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We’re Buzzing About our Morning Brew

We’re Buzzing About our Morning Brew

There’s something powerful about an early morning workout, especially when it’s fueled by, or leading up to, that obligatory cup of coffee. And we can’t imagine a much better start to the day than with a great workout at the Bay Club, paired with a complimentary cup of Joe—or shall we say Peet’s.

We’re thrilled to roll out one of our member-favorite amenities at all of our East Bay Clubs, now featuring a complimentary hot coffee bar of Peet’s Coffee, along with cream, sugar and alternative milks. And this latest member perk does more than just start your day off right—it also adds some serious health benefits to your lifestyle. To our great delight, it turns out that coffee packs a host of positive health punches, and we’re here to spread the good news! Check out the health benefits of coffee below, and then head to your Club for a cup (or two) of these health perks…on the house.

Coffee May Improve Coordination. Ever find that you’re just not physically “there” during  early-morning workouts? It’s like your body hasn’t realized that you’re awake and it’s time to start moving. It seems that coffee might come to the rescue here! Nutrition journal found that coffee can enhance neuromuscular coordination, boosting your brain’s signals to your muscles. In other words, coffee helps get your body in gear for that early bird workout!

Coffee Could Reduce Your Risk of Stroke and Heart Disease. Now, let’s be clear that no one is claiming coffee puts you in the clear for heart disease or stroke, but research has shown that it could reduce your risk. In 2017, the Annals of Internal Medicine published two studies suggesting that those who had one to two cups of coffee every day showed a reduced risk of both stroke and heart disease.

Coffee Kicks Your Metabolism into Gear. Ever had a little too much caffeine and noticed your heart racing? While that’s definitely not the effect any of us want, coffee’s stimulating effect on your heart rate does correlate to a faster metabolism. The good news? You don’t need to feel jittery from java to experience this perk! Even one cup can signal to your metabolism that it’s time to start working.

Caffeine Supplies Short-Term Memory Boost. Who doesn’t want a little extra memory mojo? In a study done in Austria, volunteers who drank a cup of coffee showed a surge in brain activity shortly after consumption. Why? It seems that caffeine affects the parts of the brain that are responsible for concentration and memory. Maybe it will help us answer those morning emails and phone calls with a little more clear-headedness.

Coffee’s Precious Polyphenols Could Curb Certain Cancers. Polyphenols, one of the critical compounds found in coffee, are antioxidant phytochemicals. These powerful phytochemicals have been found to have anticarcinogenic properties, plus they help reduce inflammation, which is associated with many types of cancer.

Whether you prefer to start your slowly day with coffee and the morning paper, or fuel your workout with an up-and-at-’em cup of coffee, the Bay Club has you covered.

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