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How to Order Healthier When Dining Out

How to Order Healthier When Dining Out

It can be hard to commit to healthy, mindful eating—especially when going out to a restaurant or an event. And with the weather getting warmer, there are more parties, birthdays, and festivities that often revolve around a good meal out. You can still enjoy yourself—and what you eat—without compromising your goals, so here are some healthy tips to consider when ordering out.

Choose the Veggie Side
Skip the fries or any starchy options and pick the grilled veggies or salad as the complement to your main course.

Order a Salad Course
This will give you the extra veggies and vitamins you need, and it will help squash your initial hunger, so by the time the (sometimes less healthy) main course comes around, you will be less inclined to overindulge.

Go Light on the Sauces
Ask for dressings or sauce on the side and use only what you need. Oil based dressings are your best bet—stay away from the creamy ones! Also, avoid sauces that contain of a lot of sugar like ketchup or BBQ sauce. Mustards, avocado, or salsas are better options.

Stick to Water
Stay away from sodas or any other sugary drinks and instead stick with water. If you want more flavor, add fruit, lemon, or herbs—we love fresh mint!—to make it a beverage your taste buds will love.

Order Light Cocktails
Dark liquor and ales are not ideal when trying to avoid empty calories. Refreshing vodka cocktails are much lighter, and if you’re looking for something with more healthy benefits, stick to red wine—and of course, everything in moderation.

Pick Fruit for Dessert
Fruit is full of natural sugars that can satisfy that end-of-the-meal, sweet tooth craving, but also packed with vitamins and nutritious value.

And Finally, Don’t Deprive Yourself
The more you deprive yourself, the more tempted you’ll be. If you really want that spinach dip, a few fries, or a piece of bread with butter—have it! Don’t beat yourself up over it, just be mindful of portions.

It’s easy to eat healthy when choosing Café Vida, whether for a casual birthday lunch or catering a summer dinner party. Discover all the mouth-watering, healthy options available for dining in or taking out.  

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