The Bay Club Blog

Deck the Halls with This Ornament DIY

In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we often lose track of finding time for ourselves and doing what we love most—DIY’s! This season, we have the perfect craft to give to someone you love, or to use as you deck the halls in your own home. So turn on your holiday music, pull out your scissors and twine, and follow the steps for these festive ornaments—you will love them snow much!

Tools needed:

*Editors note: We used baby food jars!


1. Using the hot glue gun, glue mini trees and figurines into the jar. Use the tweezers to hold the items into place. Let dry completely.

2. Add fake snow to the jar, then set it aside.

3. Hammer two holes into the top of the jar.

4. Thread a 5-inch long twine into the holes, and tie a knot on the inside to create one loop.

5. Tighten the lid of the jar on, and hang from your tree!

Happy DIY-ing! Check back right here on One Lombard for more holiday DIY’s all month long.