The Bay Club Blog

Espressing Our Love: Blended Protein Coffee

Smoothies and coffee are one of our go-to breakfasts—so obviously this Blended Protein Coffee is our new favorite way to start the day! Make it the night before and store it in your fridge, or throw it all in the blender in the morning, this simple treat is a great way to get a dose of caffeine and protein all in one.

Coffee Protein Shake
Serves 1

1 1/2 cups coffee, frozen into cubes (makes 12 coffee cubes)
1 scoop (3 tbsp) protein powder (chocolate or vanilla)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk or milk of choice
1 tbsp maple syrup or sweetener of choice (optional)


Freeze 1 1/2 cups of coffee in an ice tray overnight.

Place all ingredients in a blender.

Blend until smooth. Add ice or milk if needed.

Pour in a glass and enjoy! It’s that simple. Looking for more iced coffee recipes? Try our Mint Mojito here, and find more recipes on Instagram weekly.