The Bay Club Blog

Good to Great: Improving Your Health with Arivale

As a wellness-centered company that’s always invested in positively impacting our community’s health, we’re dedicated to staying at the forefront of healthy living. While we know that offering the best fitness equipment and quality food is integral to good health, we also want to offer the extras that make for great health. And that’s why we’ve teamed up with Arivale.

If you’re interested in learning the science behind aging well, fighting off disease, and how to personalize your approach to health, join us at Bay Club Marin for special events featuring Arivale. A scientific, data-driven approach to wellness, combined with extreme personalization of each individual’s program, Arivale customizes your plan based on your lifestyle, DNA, blood results, and gut health, and they connect you with experts in the industry.

Join us on Thursday, May 18 for a happy hour from 6:00–8:00 pm. Stop by our water infusion station to mix up wine spritzers and mocktails as you learn how to incorporate healthy options into your happy hour! The Arivale team will be there to answer any questions you have about their program and what your participation looks like.

Can’t make Thursday? We’re also hosting a seminar on optimal aging, “Looking Good from the Outside In,” on Saturday, May 20 from 1:30–2:15 pm. Come hear Lis Swihart, a Certified Nutritionist from Arivale, discuss how to age optimally by taking care of your skin, muscles, bones, heart, and mind through lifestyle, nutrition and exercise.

Want to learn more about Arivale before signing up? They share all the details on the science behind their success. Find out what’s in their expert nutritionist’s grocery cart (and why), read the personal testimonials of Arivale Pioneers, or watch the Arivale introductory video below.

Have any questions? Contact Bay Club Marin at 415.945.3000 or send an email to

We look forward to being part of the journey toward your best health!