The Bay Club Blog

Fitness Series with Jenna Pardini: Upper Body Workout

As the New Year starts, you can bet our resolution is to maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, there’s always the opportunity to learn a new workout. And we look to Bay Club Member and lifestyle blogger, Jenna Pardini for some of her favorite workouts (see full body workout). Keep reading for one of Jenna’s favorite Upper Body + Core exercises. It may look intimidating, but it’s attainable for every fitness level.

We have been working out at The Bay Club for the past year and absolutely love it! We think of it as our home away from home. We love our Bay Club fam. 


Circuit 1
Rotating bicep curls: 10 reps each arm
Standing row: 10 reps each arm
Regular bicep curls (each arm same time): 10 reps
Repeat circuit 3 times

Circuit 2
V-up: 1 min
Flutter kicks: 1 min
Bicycle crunches: 1 min
Knee raise crunches: 1 min
Repeat circuit 3 times

Circuit 3
Tricep dips: 15-20 reps
Bench push up: 10 regular, 10 leg raises
Tricep extensions: 15-20 (for lighter weight, 10-12 for heavier weight)
Repeat circuit 3 times

I like to do a lot of my workouts in circuits. Meaning I do 1 set of each exercise (typically 3-4 exercises) then start from the top. I like to repeat each circuit 3 times. I also find myself moving through the workouts pretty quickly to keep my heart rate up. Then I take a longer rest in between circuits. You should listen to your body more so, but that is what I’ve found works best for me.

Also, if you are not feeling challenged, then increase your weights. I have been feeling that way lately, sort of like I am moving through the motions but not feeling my muscles tire. So I’ve started increasing weights and have seen a big difference. You can also increase reps as well.

Oh and one more thing! I love starting AND ending my workout with cardio. I used to just start with a 10 min treadmill, but recently I have been starting with the treadmill to get a sweat on, then ending either with another 10 min treadmill (if I have the energy) or 10 min elliptical (if I’m on the tired side).

I hope you try this and get an awesome workout! To find more workouts from me, click here.