The Bay Club Blog

4-Part Summer Ready Workout Series: Arms

Summer is the season of fitness! Whether you’re swimming in the pool, hitting balls on the court, or getting motivated by those sunny early morning gym sessions, there’s something about summer that makes us want to go that little extra. So we linked up with Clarence Hairston, Fitness Manager at Bay Club SF Tennis, to learn how we can maximize our workouts for the best physical results.

We’ll be featuring four different workouts, all guided by Clarence, in a four-part series that targets different muscle groups each time. Today, we’re starting with arms, and we’ve got Clarence to challenge us with a plate workout that’s sure to get you fit for summer fun.

Clarence’s Tip: When selecting a plate weight, pick one that will challenge you, but won’t be so heavy that you can’t complete the reps with proper form.

The Workout

20 Bicep Curls, combined with an Overhead Press | Repeat for 3 sets
20 Tricep Extensions | Repeat for 3 sets
20 Around the Worlds (10 left, 10 right) | Repeat for 3 sets
20 Bus Drivers | Repeat for 3 sets

Look out for more workouts from Clarence to get you fit this summer, including abs, glutes, and back, coming soon on the blog!