The Bay Club Blog

3 Alternatives to this Year’s Turkey Trot

Is it just us, or does it seem like the annual turkey trot has become as ingrained in the Thanksgiving holiday as grandma’s stuffing? We love that so many families and friends have embraced the tradition of getting outdoors and breaking a sweat before retiring to the couch (or dining room table) for turkey and gravy. While we’re all for the standard 5k morning run, we also know that running isn’t everybody’s favorite thing. Whether you’re injured, prefer low impact activity, or simply can’t muster up the energy for a crowded starting line on Thanksgiving Day, the turkey trot may not be your thing—and we’re here to offer some alternatives! If you’re a turkey who doesn’t like to trot, consider some of these fitness options for a pre-feast fitness fix.

Flow Before You Feast
Yoga (especially heated yoga) is a fantastic way to break a sweat, stretch, and get your heart rate up before you indulge in mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. Many yoga studios offer a morning class on Thanksgiving day, and we always encourage you to get out and flow with others! But if you’re Turkey day schedule doesn’t allow for a sweaty yoga class, taking just 30 minutes at home to do some yoga on your own mat is better than nothing! Plus, yoga is great for emotional and mental health—if you’re feeling like a whole lot of family time may be stressful, a little yoga could set your attitude and gratitude to get you through the day!

Walk Before you Gobble and Wobble
Who says you have to run a 5 or 10k to earn those stuffing points? Walking is a great way to still get outdoors and be in community with others on Thanksgiving. You can always walk a turkey trot event, or you can decide that you’d prefer a post-meal walk instead of a pre-meal jog. In fact, this might even be better for you! Research shows that even a 20-minute walk after a large meal can help stabilize blood sugar and ward off that turkey coma. You can even create a fun family challenge to see who gets the most steps in during the day!

Play a Family-Friendly Game
Maybe a Thanksgiving football game is already a staple in your family’s holiday—and we think it’s so much better than holing up on the couch for a game. But of course your family doesn’t have to be into football to embrace this tradition; you can always try out street hockey, freeze tag, or soccer. If you have lots of kids in the house over the holiday, consider setting up an outdoor obstacle course or a scavenger hunt. For adults, challenge each other to a fun game of corn hole—and whoever misses the hole has to do a certain number of burpees or jumping jacks. There are so many ways to bake some activity into the day, and engaging the whole family makes it even more fun.

….Come to the Bay Club!
If you’re spending some of your Thanksgiving holiday at the Bay Club, we’ve got a few special events going on, from our very own Turkey Trot in the East Bay, to Thanksgiving-inspired dinner events, to Thanksgiving break camps for the kids and Thankful Thursdays at the Shop.

However you’re spending your Thanksgiving, we hope you know how thankful we are for you.