The Bay Club Blog

12 Summer Activities That You Can Still Enjoy in Fall

Fall is in the air, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to quit enjoying traditional summer workouts and activities. One of the great things about California is that the weather is beautiful all year long. In some cities like San Francisco, the temperature even rises in September and October. So don’t stop now, keep the momentum you’ve got going with that tennis class or Saturday afternoon playground date. Wondering what else you can do? Here are 12 summer pastimes that can be just as fun in fall.

1. Workout Outdoors
Sign up for that running club already! Or try one of the Bay Club’s exciting new Glidefit classes. With boards that float in a pool, it’s a challenging and rewarding way to change up your workout routine. Exercising in the great outdoors—be it a walk with a friend or a yoga class—enhances the mood and makes you feel more alive.

2. Spend Quality Time with Little Ones
Going back to school can be an overwhelming time for children. Check in with your kiddos by setting aside a couple of hours per week to do something exciting together. Cuddle on the couch on a Sunday morning, get creative in the kitchen with animal-themed treats, or go on a bike ride to the local ice cream shop.

3. Go to Sporting Events
Fall is only time of a year when baseball, football, and basketball seasons overlap. Show your favorite sports team some love by attending a game. Don’t want to splurge on tickets? Host a viewing party at home and serve up an assortment of tailgate eats including Hawaiian, Greek, and banh mi-inspired sliders.

4. Turn Up the Grill
Although the days are getting shorter, this doesn’t mean you can’t use your grill to make a memorable meal. Grilled vegetables are filling and delicious, so delight in fall’s bounty. Throw those Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes on the barbecue and pair with savory steak or chicken. If you don’t have a grill, pack a picnic and take your friends and family to the park for a fall-themed outdoor dinner (or lunch!) extravaganza.

5. Go Camping
New Yorkers often complain about there being no seasons in California, but you can experience the beauty of changing leaves all over this state! Grab your tent and plan a camping trip to the nearest mountain range or national park. Make a big pot of chili and cook s’mores for dessert.

5. Pick Something
Picking berries or other seasonal fruit is one of the summer’s little pleasures. It doesn’t have to end come fall. Go to an apple orchard and pick apples. Or scour nearby fields for wildflowers. Come October, visit the local pumpkin patch to pick out the best pumpkins.

6. Read Outside
Grab a good book, recent magazine, or local newspaper and head to the nearest park bench. Bask in the golden light of fall while losing yourself in an exciting story. Bring your kids with you—it’s a known fact that if you’re children see you read, they will be more inclined to open a book and follow suit.

7. Be a Tourist
Do something tourist in your hometown. Check out that museum exhibit you’ve been dying to see, head to the beach and enjoy a seafood feast, or visit a landmark. Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, or visit a tourist favorite, ride the Ferris wheel at Santa Monica Pier, or wander through the San Diego Zoo.

8. Watch the Sunset
No matter how many times you’ve witnessed it, watching the sunset over the ocean never gets old! Don’t live near the beach? Hike to the top of the hill and enjoy the sunset from a new viewpoint.

9. Plan a Weekend Escape
Get out of town for a couple of nights. Book a hotel or campsite, go wine tasting or explore a nearby city. Or plan a staycation and check out places—restaurants, bars, hotels, parks—in your home city that you’ve never been to before.

10. Shop the Farmers Market
Head to the local farmers market and be inspired by what you find. Sample artisan cheese, snack on food truck delights, and shop for hyper-seasonal hard-to-find produce. Then bring home your culinary treasures and cook up a fall-themed feast.

11. Indulge in a Frozen Treat
Make popsicles, stop by the ice cream shop and order a cone, or flag down that ice cream man. You’re never too old to indulge in a brownie sundae!

12. Attend an Outdoor Concert
Purchase tickets to hear a band in the grand outdoors. Many outdoor theaters allow you to bring in food, so pack a picnic and make a party of it.

We’ve got activities for the whole family all season long. Find them on your Clubs Event calendar.